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Corporate Profile

ANBE is a dynamic and fast growing Limited company engages in International Freight Forwarding and Customs Clearing business based in Bangladesh. Since the beginning ANBE providing all kinds of international shipping, logistics, SCM (Supply Chain Management) and customs clearing solutions to its business partners globally thorough following wings-

ANBE Freight Limited- An International Freight Forwarder (Registered in Joint Stock Company and Member of BAFFA)

ANBE Logistics Limited- Govt. Authorized Customs Clearing House

ANBE is managed by a group of highly experienced management professionals who are already proven themselves in their respected area with decades of shipping, freight forwarding, supply chain management and customs clearing industry. ANBE is well equipped to manage any emergency solutions for sea/air/land freight, customs clearing activities even the time of airport closures, strikes or any other disruptions which can hamper business activities for the customer. ANBE believe to make logistics and customs issues simple for its business partners.

ANBE always ready to take any challenges in forwarding, logistics, supply chain and customs solutions to demonstrate how our team deliver their services with highest passion and faster way which can contribute for your business success. The Company has a very strong global network partners in South East Asia, Far East, Europe, Middle East, North America, USA, Scandinavia, UK, South America. We have arrangement of cross country land forwarding and customs clearing solutions with our neighboring country INDIA.

Our Great Team

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Syed Anwar Ahmed

ANBE Freight Limited
Phone: +880 2 7911452
HP#: +880 1729 262514
email: a.ahmed@anbe-bd.com

Md. Belayet Hossain

Managing Director
ANBE Freight Limited
Phone: +880 2 7911452
HP#: +880 1710 830797
email: belayet@anbe-bd.com

Our clients